NSA Global | Security Solutions
NSA Global | Security Solutions
The Silent Force
Empowering your Business

About Us

Global Leaders In Corporate Transport
Services & Security Solutions

Founded in 2001, NSA Global stands at the forefront of secure corporate transport, intelligence solutions, and comprehensive security services. Headquartered in São Paulo, Brazil, we leverage a Montevideo, Uruguay technology and knowledge hub to develop cutting-edge solutions and educational resources like their leading online portal. This diverse expertise extends across LATAM, Africa, and India, delivering trusted solutions to clients worldwide. NSA Global, The Silent Force Empowering your business.

NSA Global | Security Solutions
Our Journey

Forged in innovation, honed for quality, and dedicated to unmatched client satisfaction, NSA Global’s journey spanning two decades has established us as more than mere service providers. As security architects to some of the world’s most renowned organizations across various sectors, we pride ourselves on being more than just service providers – we are companions in your journey towards increased resilience and security.

Our Ethos

Our ethos is centered around providing our partners and clients with unparalleled expertise and a distinctive approach defined by efficiency, accuracy, and a client-first mindset. Our teams of security experts are devoted to ensuring our clients are able to pursue their business objectives with total assurance.

NSA Global | Security Solutions

The Flame of Our Dedication

The Flame of Our Dedication

In every facet of NSA Global, symbolism is intertwined with our mission. Our emblem is a reflection of our deep-rooted values and commitments.

For the Celts, the torch was not just a beacon – it was a guardian. It warmed their camps and warded off the lurking dangers of the night. In times of conflict, it played a strategic role, with its position on the battlefield indicating guarded territories and conquered lands.

Beyond its literal illumination, the Celtic torch came to symbolize these virtues: zeal, dedication, agility, and an unwavering readiness for any challenge. It’s these attributes that our team at NSA Global embraces wholeheartedly.